For 20 years our work has helped to redefine how social and environmental policy is implemented. Projects such as High Road Leyton, the Paper Garden and Blue House Yard, are leaving a social and a physical legacy.
Our process is informed by a thoughtful inquiry into the ecological, economic and social parameters that define a place. This approach generates inventive and unique design responses that are deeply relevant to the needs of the communities we work with.
We believe that an integrated approach is needed for any place to fulfil its potential. This conviction has led us to work across sectors, including regeneration, economic development, education, public space, landscape and planning. In each field, our projects are united by their public purpose.
For us, sustainability is more than a technological challenge. By engaging a broad community in open conversation from the outset of a project, we can work to ensure that our proposals are needed, useful and proportionate. Throughout design, procurement and delivery, we look for opportunities to re-activate existing spaces, use reclaimed or surplus materials and tap into local supply networks. Looking ahead, we are researching how the spaces we design and the strategies we develop can accommodate change, through flexible design strategies to demountable construction techniques and environmentally regenerative strategies. Sustainability must be a shared pursuit that addresses environmental and socio-economic deficiencies. We hope to empower and inspire others through our work.
Our work has won a number of design awards. This includes a recognition as Social Value Architect of the Year and a recent Commendation for a Lifetime of Architecture for the Common Good.
We are aware that design excellence is a team effort, and invest ourselves in our work and our professional relationships. We have ISO 9001 (Quality Assurance) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certification which is independently verified annually. We are a London Living Wage employer. We are part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Community.